For the first time that we can remember, two players tied at the top spot for the most points earned in a month!
Blaze and Zach were nearly neck-and-neck in all stats throughout the month. We can say that Blaze might have some slightly better stats, but numbers count in this league, and they both earned them well!
We can take a look and see their placements side by side…
Zach / Blaze stats:
Points: 66 / 66
Player score: 0.728 / 0.761
Total KOs: 18 / 29
Registrations: 21 / 18
Final tables: 67% / 56%
Points per Game: 3.14 / 3.67
Total Winnings: $90 / $180

April League Stats
- Best player score (minimum of 4 games): Nathan Williams, 0.847
- Most KOs: Blaze, 29
- Most registrations: Stefan G / Lan Green, 23
- Most winnings: Andy Harrison, $400
- Top Players by Venue:
57th Fighter Group
- Points: Blaze, 22
- Player score: Blaze, 0.838
- KOs: Phuc Dang / Blaze, 9
Brewhouse Cafe
- Points: Blaze, 27
- Player score: Alex Parker, 0.893
- KOs: Blaze, 14
Deadwood Saloon
- Points: Steve Bartle, 22
- Player score: Mike Johnson, 0.887
- KOs: Mike Odier, 11
Diesel Filling Station
- Points: Geri Stanton, 14
- Player score: Simone Cain, 0.861
- KOs: Ross Moore, 11
RiRa Irish Pub – Sundays
- Points: Brandon Hall, 16.5
- Player score: Jessica Gale, 0.910
- KOs: Jeff Rakestraw, 8
RiRa Irish Pub – Mondays
- Points: Zach McGee / Jim Arinik, 20
- Player score: Scott Philbeck, 0.834
- KOs: Larry Headspeth, 12
Vortex Little Five Points – Mondays
- Points: Nathan Williams, 22
- Player score: Nathan Williams, 0.915
- KOs: Nathan Williams, 13
Vortex Little Five Points – Wednesdays
- Points: Whitney Segars, 17
- Player score: Jim Arinik, 0.889
- KOs: Jonathan Harris, 9
Vortex Midtown – Sundays
- Points: Gary Carrico, 17
- Player score: Gary Carrico, .780
- KOs: Kacey Carelson, 6