On September 14th, Freeroll Atlanta Poker teamed up with the Renaissance Hotel in Midtown Atlanta to raise some money for the Children’s Miracle Network. The tournament was our highest buy-in and biggest production to date, and we weren’t disappointed!
The overall feeling of the tournament was high-energy and positive – everyone seemed to have a great time. That might have to do with the open bar our players got to partake of!
Each player bought in for $100, and we allowed $50 rebuys for the first 4 blind levels, as well as a $50 addon at the end of the fourth round. Each player also got a raffle ticket, and we gave away many prizes every 20 minutes – almost everyone walked out a winner.
In the end, we raised $2000 for some kids in need, and we thank everyone who participated to make that happen.
Thanks to Etienne Monat at the Renaissance for all his hard work he put into making it such a classy event. Thanks to our volunteer dealers, Nate Barnes, Mike Foster, and Doug Park. Thanks to Scott Greer at Heineken for the prizes he donated, to Roel Daves for hanging his incredible artwork and the atmosphere that created, to Monte Carlo Productions for use of their poker tables and chips, to Swank Audio Visual for the mood they set, and to any of the other sponsors who threw us some bottles of booze and other prizes to give away to our players.

Now, onto our winner: Billy Hogan!
Billy got heads up against James Man, and won a free vacation for 2 to Miami! Good job, Billy! A nicer guy couldn’t have won!

James also walked away with a staycation to the Evergreen hotel in Atlanta with a free round of golf included! And our third place finisher, Nick Carpentieri, will be enjoying a free dinner for two in the Renaissance Midtown’s restaurant Briza. Our top three finishers all received a commemorative card protector as well.
We can’t wait to do it again next year, but even bigger and better! Thanks so much again to everyone who participated!
All photographs by Etienne Monat.