Blaze, who’s been playing with Freeroll Atlanta for as long as we’ve even existed, has finished the month of February as the top points earner.
His top spot was earned with some calculated moves on his part – making sure to play a more aggressive style if he made it to the final table. Aggression payed off, as it usually does!
Blaze’s stats really reflect his stellar play in February…
Blaze’s February 2014 stats:
- Total points: 77 (league average 6.18)
- Player score: 0.804 (league average 0.496)
- Total KOs: 34 / 2.13 per game (league average 3.0 total KOs)
- Registrations: 16 (league average 3.16)
- In-the-points percentage: 63%
- Points per game: 4.81
- Total winnings: $210
Blaze’s player score, even after 16 games, was in the 0.800s! That’s extremely impressive, especially given that the league average was under 0.500.
Looking at the number of knockouts: on average, players got 3 knockouts total through the entire month – Blaze nearly got that every night he played!
And by looking at his points-per-game: 4.81 ppg means he was getting 5th place on average… or at least a bunch of KOs on our knockout nights.
Here’s a chart showing Blaze’s progress through February, compared to the average score of the entire league. Blaze only had 4 games where he performed worse than the league average.
Other notable players:
First, let’s remember Stephen Gardner’s Kings and Queens win!
And Jeff Rakestraw’s Final Tournament win!
February League Stats
- Best player score (minimum of 3 games): Ji Kim, 0.911. Incredible!
- Most KOs: Blaze, 34
- Most registrations: Stefan G / Lan Green, 22
- Most winnings: Stephen Gardner, $250

- Top Players by Venue:
57th Fighter Group
- Points: Ji Kim, 34
- Player score: Ji Kim, 0.899
- KOs: Ji Kim, 18
Brewhouse Cafe
- Points: Blaze, 24
- Player score: Asa Bagshaw, 0.850
- KOs: Blaze, 8
Deadwood Saloon
- Points: Randy Wainman, 17
- Player score: Randy Wainman, 0.939
- KOs: Randy Wainman / Blondie, 10
Diesel Filling Station
- Points: Nick Carpentieri, 17
- Player score: Brian Gould, 0.971
- KOs: Damien Boykin, 10
RiRa Irish Pub – Sundays
- Points: Matt Palumbo, 13
- Player score: Matt Palumbo, 0.865
- KOs: Ji Kim, 7
RiRa Irish Pub – Mondays
- Points: Gary Carrico, 18
- Player score: Jonathan Harris, 0.799
- KOs: Lan Green, 10
Vortex Little Five Points – Mondays
- Points: Christian Green, 18
- Player score: Greg Kirby, 0.837
- KOs: Peter Kruskamp, 11
Vortex Little Five Points – Wednesdays
- Points: Johnny Stephenson / Blaze, 17
- Player score: Johnny Stephenson, 0.935
- KOs: Blaze, 12
Vortex Midtown – Sundays
- Points: Tom Amos / James Man / Gnick Waldorf, 10
- Player score: Tom Amos, 0.790
- KOs: Tom Amos / James Man, 6
Vortex Midtown – Tuesdays
- Points: Kacey Carelson, 19
- Player score: Kacey Carelson, 0.858
- KOs: Kacey Carelson, 12