Gary Carrico stayed at the top of the points race for all of March! With two wins right off the bat, he maintained his position near the top for 4 whole weeks.
Let’s take a look at some of Gary’s stats for March:
- Total points: 79 (league average 7.85)
- Player score: 0.767 (league average 0.501)
- Total KOs: 24 / 1.14 per game (league average 3.75 total KOs)
- Registrations: 21 (league average 3.91)
- In-the-points percentage: 67%
- Points per game: 3.76
- Total winnings: $165
As we can see in the chart above, Gary performed less than average only 4 out of his 21 tournaments. We can also see that those two wins at the beginning (20 points right there) really set him up for a big finish in the month.
Some might be surprised he could find the time to play his cards in between yelling at the referees during all those North Carolina basketball games.
Anyway, good job Gary!
Let’s look at some numbers from our other players…

February League Stats
- Best player score (minimum of 4 games): Ian Shellman, 0.849
- Most KOs: Blaze and Aaron Godbey, 26
- Most registrations: Lan Green, 28
- Most winnings: Kramer, $250
- Top Players by Venue:
57th Fighter Group
- Points: Blaze, 14
- Player score: Blaze, 0.836
- KOs: Tim Zins, 11
Brewhouse Cafe
- Points: Gerry Jiminez, 16
- Player score: Gerry Jiminez, 0.923
- KOs: Gerry Jiminez, 16
Deadwood Saloon
- Points: Gary Carrico, 22
- Player score: Jeff Rakestraw, 0.834
- KOs: Aaron Godbey, 10
Diesel Filling Station
- Points: Damien Boykin, 16.5
- Player score: Craig Bruckman, 0.828
- KOs: Craig Bruckman, 13
RiRa Irish Pub – Sundays
- Points: Eddie Hardy, 26
- Player score: Ricardo Mora, 0.866
- KOs: Eddie Hardy, 12
RiRa Irish Pub – Mondays
- Points: James Man, 22
- Player score: James Man, 0.876
- KOs: James Man, 12
Vortex Little Five Points – Mondays
- Points: Meghan Kohn, 22.5
- Player score: Lockett Pundt, 0.868
- KOs: Blaze and Calvin Delaney, 9
Vortex Little Five Points – Wednesdays
- Points: Christian Green, 16.5
- Player score: Jennifer Thomas, 0.891
- KOs: Shane Green, Gnick Waldorf, and Christian Green, 7
Vortex Midtown – Sundays
- Points: Ian Shellman and Brandon Hall, 17
- Player score: Ian Shellman, 0.929
- KOs: Scott Philbeck, Ian Shellman, Brandon Hall, and Addison Webb, 6
Vortex Midtown – Tuesdays
- Points: Stephanie Alderman, 17.5
- Player score: Jim Arinik, 0.807
- KOs: James Man, 9