Great Summer 2021 quarterly tournament. We had a big turnout, only four players didn’t make it. Jay Skuban had the highest player score with .888 of the quarter and Matt Palumbo “Wizard” had the most knockouts with 87. The final table was:
Jordan Goebel
Eddie Hardy
Eddie B
Scott Marino
Aaron Kalbfeld
James Flenders
The heads up with Jordan and Sayo was a battle, trading chips back and forth. Sayo started heads up with a big lead and there was talk of a chop but neither wanted to give up having their name on the trophy. Sayo then made a costly misstep when he flopped a pair of queens and Jordan an open ended straight draw. Sayo bet, Jordan called. The turn gave Jordan a straight and checked. Sayo bet again and Jordan just called. The river was another Queen giving Sayo trips. Jordan pushed all in and Sayo reluctantly called giving the chip lead to Jordan. The final hand was Jordan J/10 and Sayo A/9. Jordan flopped top pair and checked. Sayo shoved all-in, Jordan called and Sayo never caught up, giving Jordan the title of quarterly champion. Congratulations!