Wally Lang wins the Freeroll Atlanta summer tournament!
Congratulations to Wally Lang! He beat Tom White with his AK to take down the whole tournament. Wally eliminated 3 players. Wally will be heading to Biloxi, Mississippi soon for two nights at the Beau Rivage and a chance to win some real cash in a tournament!
Out of the 4o people who qualified, 36 showed up. The battle was hard fought until 12:40am. Our returning champion from last season, Dave Matysiak, ironically was the first person out of the tournament.
KJ hit a straight flush. Doug Park and Mike Odier tied with the amount of KOs at the tournament – both with 5.

Nick E, our July $100 winner, placed 6th. Z Gillespie got 7th, and Bob the Builder got 8th.
All pictures by www.danielstabler.com